Intermediate Microeconomics

Exchange Economy

Graph an Edgeworth Box for a two-good economy

Effect of a Price Change

Visualize the impact of a price change on Marshallian and Hicksian demands

Hicksian Demand

Input utility functions and isocost lines to find Hicksian demand bundles

Marshallian Demand

Input utility functions and budget lines to find Marshallian demand bundles

Multi Market Pricing

Visualize output decisions across two markets (competitive and non-competitive)

Multiple Marshallian Bundles

Visualize how budget changes affect Marshallian demand bundles

Price Dynamics

Visualize the entry and exit of firms in a market

Risk - Expected Utility

Find expected utility, compensating variation and equivalent variation


Model leader-follower dynamics


Visualize welfare impacts of taxes, subsidies, quotas, and price floors

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